Use my free email pitch template to land your

Dream Brand Collab!

Create a winning email pitch without the guesswork!


Use my Brand Pitch Email Template

to Unlock:


The specific method I use to reach out to brands to get the best deals.


How to write a killer pitch that sets you apart from other content creators.


What to include, from the subject line to the body copy and beyond, to land those high-paying brand collaborations.

Influencer marketing can help you work with all kinds of brands, but a great pitch is the first step to creating real income from your content!

Let's get you the brand deal you're craving.

Sign up now to get my free Brand Pitch Email Template!


Hi, I’m Bong!

I’m a full-time content creator for my brand, Wild Hearts Home. I'm on a mission to help entrepreneurs turn their passion into full-time income through influencer marketing.

If you’re stuck trying to figure out how to approach and engage with brands, grow your audience, or you’re just not sure where to start, know that you’re not alone! I’m here to help you identify and pitch to the brands you want to partner with.